Friday’s Endnotes – 11/18/16

Copyhype 2016-11-18

Fighting for Creators in Washington DC — Melvin Gibbs writes, “In the latest fight over TV set top box rules, [FCC] Commissioner Rosenworcel has been a strong and consistent voice demanding that the FCC honor copyright principles and ensure its new rules don’t undermine or sabotage the creative economy. She has voiced support for bringing consumers more choices and increasing competition, while remaining skeptical of the tech industry’s anti-artist push to inject the FCC into the business of micromanaging licensing.”

How We Got a Register of Copyrights — More excellent historical writing from Zvi Rosen. Here he looks at why the position is called “Register” (instead of the more conventional “Registrar”) and why the Copyright Office remains within the Library of Congress.

‘Star Trek’ Fan Film Lawsuit Boldly Goes Where No ‘Star Trek’ Lawsuit Has Gone Before — The parties in the lawsuit—involving an unauthorized new Star Trek film—have both moved for summary judgment. Defendants argue either that their film shares no substantial similarity with any of the existing Star Trek films owned by plaintiffs, or in the alternative, that any copying is excused by fair use. A hearing on the motion is scheduled for December 19, with a trial tentatively scheduled for January 31.

Amazon Sues Sellers for Offering Fake Goods on Its Site — The online retailer has stepped up efforts to combat the increasing problem of counterfeit goods being sold through its service. Earlier this month, it was reported that counterfeit CDs are even a problem on the site.

The average Netflix subscriber watches almost twice as much Netflix as they did 5 years ago — A separate study found that 37% of teens watch Netflix at least once a day, a number higher than YouTube, cable TV, and other streaming services.