Friday’s Endnotes – 2016

Copyhype 2017-01-11

I hope all my Copyhype readers are enjoying the holidays. As we get ready to ring in the New Year, I’ve posted below a number of articles either looking back at copyright news in 2016 or looking forward to 2017. Enjoy!

Year End Review: Insiders Reflect on the Biggest Copyright and Trade Secret Moments of 2016 — IP Watchdog asks a number of experts to take a look back at the major US developments over the past year in copyright and trade secrets.

2016 the Copyright Year — The 1709 Blog recaps notable developments in copyright law from courts in the US, UK, Europe, and beyond.

2016 Was the Year Torrent Giants Fell — TorrentFreak notes that a number of major sources for distributing infringing movies, music, and other creative works ceased operations over the past year, either voluntarily or because of enforcement actions.

President Obama’s IP Advisor Talks Reform Efforts and a New Administration — USPTO Director Michelle Lee talks with The Hollywood Reporter about ongoing copyright policy work and what the US may expect under a new Administration.

Trump on Copyright: How the Trump Administration will approach copyright law and potential copyright reforms — Marla Grossman makes some “educated guesses” about what a Trump Administration might mean for the US copyright agenda.

Industry executives reflect on 2016 — MusicWeek’s Emmanuel Legrand sits down with a number of music industry execs to look at major developments in that space over the past year, as well as what to look out for over the upcoming year.

RIAA Exec: 2017 Will be a “Critical Year” for Music Law (Q&A) — Finally, The Hollywood Reporter speaks with RIAA General Counsel Steve Marks to get his take on what litigation and legislative efforts the recording industry is keeping an eye on in 2016.