Apple Music is being overhauled? Good - here's what it needs to do

Digital music and audio | The Guardian 2016-05-06


The first incarnation of Apple’s Music service missed some key features. After bust ups with beats staff and even criticism from Taylor Swift, can it do better?

When Apple debuted its Music subscription service at its June 2015 worldwide developers conference, it did so in grand style with appearances by music impresario Jimmy Iovine and a performance by Drake.

Apple Music was brimming with features: access to a library of 30m tunes, a 24/7 Beats One radio station, curated playlists and integration with your existing library of music downloads. With Apple Music, the company was hoping to shore up sagging iTunes revenues and drown out rival streaming services like Spotify, Pandora and Tidal.

Related: Is Apple Music worth paying for?

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Dan Tynan in San Francisco

Date tagged:

05/06/2016, 05:42

Date published:

05/04/2016, 18:12