Ariel Hyatt specializes in digital public relations. She has caught the attention of CNN, Wired, Billboard, Hypebot, and the Washington Post with her unique brand of advice about the uses and misuses of social media. She is in demand at SXSW, the Future of Music Coalition, Grammy Camp, and ASCAP’s I Create Music, among others. [...]
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Music Business Journal | Berklee College of Music
twitter traditional music marketing social media profile social media and music social media october 2015 music self promotion music publicity music publicists music marketing music education mistakes of independent artists interviews instagram independent musicians independent artists and branding independent artists facebook cyber pr company cyber pr bands and marketing ariel hyatt
Corliss Lee and Spencer Ritchie
Date tagged:
12/23/2015, 10:09
Date published:
10/25/2015, 11:12