Transparency in the Music Industry

Music Business Journal | Berklee College of Music 2015-12-23


Of the issues that have bedeviled the music industry, perhaps the most insidious has been that of transparency, or, more accurately, a lack thereof. In fact there really has not ever been a time when the modern music industry, meaning the industry that developed around the distribution and use of sound recordings, has been truly [...]


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Music and Digital Media ยป Music Business Journal | Berklee College of Music


transparency structural transparency spotify sony songwriters rights database revenue transparency revenue streams rethink music repertoire transparency rate transparency rate setting rate court pro nondisclosure agreement micropayment grd global repertoire database future of music coalition flo rida department of justice crb copyright royalty board copyright office copyright act congress business august 2015 artists artist's rights aggregator advances


Griffin Davis

Date tagged:

12/23/2015, 10:09

Date published:

08/02/2015, 10:41