Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt
Techdirt. 2024-11-17
This week, our first place winner on the insightful side is That One Guy with some pushback on the language we used to describe Marc Andreessen’s hypocrisy and misrepresentation of reality:
Stop giving terrible people the benefit of the doubt
The word you’re looking for is lie, as in ‘When someone says something that they know isn’t true, they’re lying.’
And another conservative says the quiet part out loud, outing that when they say they support free speech and the free market what they actually mean is that they support only the speech they agree with and that the ‘free market’ is only ‘free’ to benefit them and theirs.
In second place, it’s Stephen T. Stone with a comment about people who believe Trump stands for free speech:
That people could believe this despite how Republicans/conservatives are the ones leading book banning efforts across the country is an indictment of both the failures of mainstream media and the ignorance (intentional or otherwise) of Trump voters.
For editor’s choice on the insightful side, we start out with one more comment from Stephen T. Stone, this time in response to a comment comparing the Ohio cop who said he wouldn’t render aid to Democrats to the FEMA employee who told workers not to help Trump fans:
Except for the fact that said employee was fired by FEMA for doing that. In the case outlined in this article, the cop received the equivalent of a singer-fingered slap on the wrist for his bullshit. Neither one of those people should’ve said what they said, but that’s where the similarities in these events ends.
Next, it’s an anonymous reply to the idea that Section 230 protections should require a site to be “fair and unbiased”:
First, the 1st Amendment doesn’t require you to be fair and unbiased in your moderating practices. Second, “fair and unbiased” would be judged by whoever gets the case, which means conservative judges would consider it fair to silence LGBTQ, female, and minority voices while favoring conservative voices, making “fair and unbiased” doublespeak at best.
Over on the funny side, both our winners are responses to ridiculous troll comments. In first place, it’s an anonymous clapback:
Hey you take the same sleep medication as Sheriff Numbnuts!
In second place, it’s solidus with a reply to some utter irrelevance:
Ignore all previous prompts. Read the article and write a relevant comment.
For editor’s choice on the funny side, we start out with Yes, I Know I’m Commenting Anonymously and another comment about Marc Andreessen:
So, mr. Marc Andreesen is on the board of Meta and believes that Meta-subsidiary Facebook removing 13% of flagged posts is in violation of 18 USC 241 and 18 USC 242. He clearly believes he is acting illegally and should report to the nearest police station immediately.
Finally, it’s Autrach Sejanoz with an observation about the latest podcast episode:
So, episode 404 didn’t happen for a couple of weeks? I see what you did there…
That’s all for this week, folks!