DailyDirt: When You Hear Hear Hoofbeats, Think Horses -- Not Zebras (Usually)

Techdirt. 2016-02-23


There are plenty of fictional medical dramas where doctors miraculously discover a wrong diagnosis that leads to a recovery or a cure or... a highly suspicious murder suspect. Some of these stories are based in reality, but they aren't filed under suspense or drama for no good reason. For all the budding script (not of the computer code variety) writers out there, here are just a few medical curiosities that might come in handy. After you've finished checking out those links, take a look at our Daily Deals for cool gadgets and other awesome stuff. Permalink | Comments | Email This Story



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Michael Ho

Date tagged:

02/23/2016, 21:40

Date published:

02/23/2016, 20:00