Sensing Public Support Waning, UK Fast Tracks Snooper's Charter
Techdirt. 2016-03-01
For some time now, we've been covering the UK's plan -- led by Home Secretary Theresa May -- to pass a new Snooper's Charter that would increase surveillance powers greatly in the UK. There's been a growing amount of criticism of the plan in the UK, so rather than respond to it, May has simply moved to fast track the bill, officially called the Investigatory Powers Bill. The bill will officially be "published" today on March 1, and then will likely be voted on before the end of April. Of course, this seems like standard operating procedures these days. Two years ago, the UK government did the same thing with its data retention bill. It's almost as if the UK government would prefer cutting off debate on these issues, and just rushing through much greater surveillance powers for the government. Permalink | Comments | Email This Story