DailyDirt: Welcoming Our Robot Overlords...

Techdirt. 2016-03-01


Despite our supposed intelligence, humans don't actually know how our own brains work. But even in our ignorance, we're still developing algorithms and machines that might catch on to how we learn and think. Google's autonomous vehicle project has a pretty good driving record, except that the world is messy, and predicting how human drivers will react isn't always certain -- especially when they drive buses. Our relationship with robots is going to be more and more complex in the next few years. We'll need to recognize when robots are faulty, and that might get harder and harder to do. After you've finished checking out those links, take a look at our Daily Deals for cool gadgets and other awesome stuff. Permalink | Comments | Email This Story



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Michael Ho

Date tagged:

03/01/2016, 20:32

Date published:

03/01/2016, 20:00