DailyDirt: The Second Most Abundant Element In The Universe...

Techdirt. 2016-07-01


Helium is a fascinating element that most people recognize as the stuff that you can inhale to make your voice sound funny. However, it has some really serious uses in MRI machines and rocket engines -- and if we're not careful, we could waste this precious material and not have any kind of replacement for it. Once we run out of helium on earth, there aren't a lot of great options for obtaining more. It's not like we can just swing by Jupiter and bring some back. Maybe we can recycle and conserve for a bit, and perhaps someday we'll figure out fusion. After you've finished checking out those links, take a look at our Daily Deals for cool gadgets and other awesome stuff. Permalink | Comments | Email This Story



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Michael Ho

Date tagged:

07/01/2016, 15:16

Date published:

06/30/2016, 20:00