Another article in support of open access | The Disruptive Searcher

lkfitz's bookmarks 2016-04-21


"I’ve posted several times on the open access movement which aims to end the practice of charging to read academic papers describing research which has usually been publicly funded in the first place.

The latest case for open access is made by Wired magazine. It describes a website called Sci-Hub which is openly flouting current copyright law by hosting free-to-access academic papers."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.comment oa.sci-hub oa.elsevier oa.publishers oa.copyright oa.litigation oa.publishing oa.guerrilla

Date tagged:

04/21/2016, 16:32

Date published:

04/21/2016, 12:32