Sessions - Open Access and ORCID Author Identifiers

lkfitz's bookmarks 2016-05-05


"According to Wikipedia, Open Access “refers to online research outputs that are free of all restrictions on access and free of many restrictions on use.” Yuan Li will discuss the business models used to help achieve the ideal of Open Access.

Permanent identifiers can be used help track and get credit for research. ORCID is a global registry of unique persistent identifiers for researchers and scholars. DOI’s or Digital Object Identifiers are often used to provide unique identifiers for research articles and conference proceedings. Jane Holmquist will discuss how ORCID and DOI make Open Access work smoothly."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.orcid oa.libraries oa.princeton.u

Date tagged:

05/05/2016, 09:50

Date published:

05/05/2016, 05:50