Avointiede - Open Citizen Science Project

lkfitz's bookmarks 2016-09-25


"During autumn 2016 the Open Citizen Science Project will map out Finnish citizen science stakeholders and research infrastructures. A set of recommendations for fostering and promoting open citizen science will be co-developed with the stakeholders. The aim of this event is to present and discuss the projects results."



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.new oa.finland oa.open_science oa.implementation oa.crowd oa.events oa.infrastructure oa.reports

Date tagged:

09/25/2016, 15:27

Date published:

09/25/2016, 13:11