Scientists, funders flock to ResearchGate | March 1, 2017 Issue - Vol. 95 Issue 10 | Chemical & Engineering News

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-03-02


"ResearchGate, a scientific networking website, says it continues to grow strongly. The organization now boasts connections to more than 100 million publications, 12 million researchers, and 1 million answers to research questions. Akin to a LinkedIn for scientists, ResearchGate claims 840,000 members who are primarily chemists, up from 270,000 in 2013."


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Tags: oa.researchgate oa.funding oa.social_media oa.copyright oa.scienceopen

Date tagged:

03/02/2017, 17:06

Date published:

03/02/2017, 12:06