Intellectual Property and "Open" Movements Blog: McGill institute takes open science to a new level; University Affairs/Affaires universitaires, April 19, 2017

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-04-21


"According to Richard Gold, a professor in McGill’s faculty of law, that steep price tag should not surprise advocates of what has been dubbed the open science initiative. These advocates regularly invoke the mantra that “knowledge wants to be free,” but such freedom comes with a daunting checklist that can only be completed by paying for a great deal of time, talent and physical resources."


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Tags: oa.mcgill.u oa.open_science oa.universities oa.canada oa.advocacy oa.hei

Date tagged:

04/21/2017, 20:20

Date published:

04/21/2017, 16:20