The ethical arguments in support of open access journals - International Journal of Women's Dermatology

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-05-15


"What does OA mean? Essentially, OA is a way to provide free online journal articles to readers while supporting operations through financial models that permit this free electronic distribution. Because this is usually a paperless model (although hybrids exist), the turnaround is often much faster and cheaper than traditional publishing. However, some resources and funds are required for technical support as well as administrative costs, albeit less than those for a traditional print journal. Without these supports, an OA journal would not be able to support their website, peer and editorial reviews, sustainability, and growth (Daught, 2012, Williams-Jones et al., 2014)."


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Date tagged:

05/15/2017, 16:36

Date published:

05/17/2017, 07:50