Project Manager for Open Science in Polymers (909682) -

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-05-19


"A new open science collaboration between universities and industry has been established on Aarhus University. It is a collaboration inviting everybody in, thus right now we include companies ranging from large established companies to SMEs but all with an interest in smart polymer materials and nanocomposites. Based on industrial demands, basic research projects are defined.   

Students based at Department of Chemistry, iNANO, and AU Engineering work on the scientific part of the project and all collaborators take part in forming and discussing the projects. All data and results are put online as they are produced, and are open for all to participate in and use.  We experience a fast-growing interest in the collaboration from both industry and academia and thus we now seek a project manager to handle the many demands and interests.   

About the job: 

You will be responsible for structuring and coordinating projects across universities and industry. As the open science platform is based on trust, voluntariness, and openness, it is of outermost importance that you can motivate and engage a range of very different companies and researchers on the different projects."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.denmark

Date tagged:

05/19/2017, 14:44

Date published:

05/19/2017, 10:44