Open Data as Enabler of Public Service Co-creation: Exploring the Drivers and Barriers (PDF Download Available)

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-07-11


Abstract: "Open data is being increasingly looked at as a major driver of public service innovation. Open access to datasets and advanced analytical tools are believed to generate valuable new knowledge that can be turned into data-driven services. At the same time, open data is also believed to spur open governance and enable the engagement of various stakeholders in the co-creation of services. Despite this appealing vision of open data-driven co-creation of public services, we are far from understanding how it can be realized in practice. We turned to 63 experts and practitioners in a survey covering six European countries and found a multitude of barriers that need to be overcome first. Luckily we also found some drivers. This paper provides some first insights into these drivers and barriers and proposes policy recommendations to foster a data-driven transformation of public service creation."


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Date tagged:

07/11/2017, 09:32

Date published:

07/11/2017, 05:32