OpenCon 2017 Santiago

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-08-01


"Gracias por interesarte por la segunda versión de la OpenConference Santiago. Esta vez nos denominaremos #openconsantiago y OpenCon Santiago 2017. Hablaremos de la mayor parte de lo que involucra el "open science", "open education", "open knowledge" entre otras iniciativas donde lo colaborativo sea lo que nos mueva.

Aún estamos trabajando en el programa, pero consistirá en 2 secciones. Sección 1 de exposiciones y conversatorios, y sección 2 talleres sobre herramientas abiertas y colaborativas."

English Translation (Google): "Thank you for your interest in the second version of the Santiago OpenConference. This time we will call #openconsantiago and OpenCon Santiago 2017. We will talk about most of what is involved in "open science", "open education" and "open knowledge" among other initiatives where the collaborative is what moves us.

We are still working on the program, but it will consist of 2 sections. Section 1 of exhibitions and conversations, and section 2 workshops on open and collaborative tools."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.opencon oa.chile

Date tagged:

08/01/2017, 16:24

Date published:

08/01/2017, 12:24