David Worlock | Towards the Open Book

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-09-11


"Predictably , now this market has kick-started , developments will move rapidly . The ability to use semantic enquiry across these texts , to cross search groups of them and to discover and explore them at sub-chapter and paragraph levels will help . Index compilation and the generation of custom-machine generated indices will follow , with automatic updating and cross-referencing , as well as linkage to related evidential data , clearly part of the trajectory . But this only happens if the sector has a hub and some standards , so the move of KU to create Open Services is really the first movement in the direction of a hub that we have seen , and one which , for that reason , is hugely welcome ."



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Date tagged:

09/11/2017, 12:23

Date published:

09/11/2017, 08:23