Repositório Aberto: Catálogo de características para análise e avaliação de Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA) : ferramenta de avaliação no formato checklist

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-09-14


English Translation (Google): Catalog of characteristics for analysis and evaluation of Open Educational Resources (OER): evaluation tool in the format checklist

"This study focused on understanding the principles and characteristics of an Open Educational Resource (OER). The objective was to identify the characteristics that a digital artefact must possess in order to be considered an OER. Methodologically, the research was exploratory and the process of obtaining data was based on procedures employed in the Delphi method. A questionnaire survey was used, which was answered by international experts with published works in the OER area. Thus, we obtained a set of evaluation items that reached consensus among the specialists. Based on the answers obtained through the questionnaire, an OER evaluation tool was built in checklist format, with 28 evaluation items, called Characteristics Catalog for OER Analysis and Evaluation. With the objective of validating the OER evaluation tool produced in this study, 18 digital artefacts, deposited in online repositories, were analyzed. It was noticed that of the evaluated resources, only 7 had all the characteristics listed in the characteristics catalog for OER analysis and evaluation. It was also found that all those who were not considered OER have failed in copyright domain items. As a result, it should be noted that the application of the OER evaluation tool in checklist format allows us to understand whether or not a particular digital artefact can be considered open. It was verified that, by this tool, most of the resources deposited in the various repositories do not have the necessary characteristics to be considered OER. It was noted that the OER theme still needs clarification throughout the scientific community. Topics where consensus is verifiable are still scarce. Therefore, it is concluded that continuing to invest in the development and improvement of OER assessment tools can be a key contribution to consolidating free and open education."


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Tags: oa.oer oa.portuguese oa.principles oa.surveys

Date tagged:

09/14/2017, 15:59

Date published:

09/14/2017, 11:59