Qui dépose quoi sur Hal-SHS ? Pratiques de dépôts en libre accès en sciences humaines et sociales

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-09-22


English Translation (Google): Who deposits what on Hal-SHS? Open Access Deposit Practices in the Humanities and Social Sciences

"Hal-SHS is the part of the French HAL repository for the human and social sciences where the researchers‘ scientific production can be made visible by the deposit of references, and possibly openly accessible by the deposit of associated files. In order to understand what kind of deposit is made by whom, a corpus of 336 160 records has been harvested from the Hal-SHS OAI-PMH repository, corresponding to the records deposited on the repository from its beginnings, in 2002, to 2016 included. Through the statistical analysis carried out on these data, we have observed a strong involvement by the researchers in the self-archiving process, and disciplinary differences that lead to contrasted deposit rationale (direct scientific communication, archiving, inventory, indexing). The study eventually shows that the repository is employed more as a visibility tool for the academic production, with the full-text as a simple option, variedly valued according to disciplines."



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Date tagged:

09/22/2017, 13:16

Date published:

09/22/2017, 09:16