Ethical Dimensions of the UK Open Textbooks Project – UK Open Textbook Project

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-09-23


"One of the key stages in planning research in higher education is ensuring that what you want to do has received ethical approval from your research institution. Typically, any research involving human participants will be assessed for the potential harm it could cause, or any rights it could potentially violate.

Our project is evaluating the potential for development of openly licensed textbooks in the UK – we will be working with a range of volunteers (librarians, educators, technologists, administrators) and collecting data through surveys, focus groups and interviews."


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Tags: oa.oer oa.textbooks oa.ethics oa.licensing oa.books oa.libre

Date tagged:

09/23/2017, 16:22

Date published:

09/23/2017, 12:22