The Fight of Making Science Accessible | The Student

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-10-13


"The Peter Pan of the internet, Sci-Hub, is once again facing serious piracy charges. This time one of the largest U.S. publishers, the American Chemical Society (ACS), has filed the claim. ACS alleged that Sci-Hub downloaded articles from their closed-access website and made them freely available to countless users across the world. These claims add up to $4.8 million in piracy damages. Not only that, but with the demands ACS is making, Sci-Hub would no longer show up on search engines and internet providers would no longer be able to host this “Pirate Bay of Science.” Sci-Hub would go extinct."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.litigation oa.sci-hub oa.acs oa.societies oa.publishers oa.piracy oa.costs oa.publishing oa.economics_of oa.journals oa.guerrilla

Date tagged:

10/13/2017, 13:34

Date published:

10/13/2017, 09:34