Addressing the Elephant in the Room: Grad Student Publication : 2017-10-23 | SFU Library

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-10-20


"Graduate students are always encouraged to publish but often without really knowing what that means or how to start. This workshop will focus on navigating the peer review process and will also touch on the topics of open access, working with an editor, and co-authorship.  It will include a discussion of copyright transfer agreements and licenses and provide insight into publishing venues for assuring your research has the best possible visibility, accessibility, and impact."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.oa_week oa.canada oa.ecr oa.copyright oa.licensing oa.pubishing oa.predatory oa.peer_review oa.libre

Date tagged:

10/20/2017, 10:16

Date published:

10/20/2017, 06:16