Open Access Week - slip dine forskningspublikationer fri - DTU Bibliotek
lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-10-24
English Translation (Google): Open Access Week - Leave your research publications free
"DTU har tilsluttet sig den nationale målsætning for Open Access-publicering. DTU Bibliotek benytter derfor Open Access-ugen til at sende friske Open Access-tal til vores kontakter på institutterne - for at hjælpe jer på vej til at nå målet. Det nationale mål tilskriver, at i 2017 skal 80% af den danske forskning være publiceret Open Access og i 2022 skal alt være Open Access."
English Translation (Google): "DTU has endorsed the national objective of Open Access publishing. DTU Library therefore uses the Open Access Week to send fresh Open Access numbers to our contacts at the institutes - to help you reach the goal. The national goal states that by 2017, 80% of Danish research will be published Open Access and by 2022 everything should be Open Access."