Harvard LIL Fellowship — Part 5 – Matt Miller – Medium

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-11-09


"The final installment reviewing my work done as a Fellow at the Harvard Library Innovation Lab this summer. In the last part we looked at some approaches employed to build up metadata around a case law opinion. Using some algorithmic matching and a crowdsourcing tool to enhance each record with data that could be linked to external sources. The reason behind this preliminary work was to get records ready to exist in an linked data ecosystem. The overarching thesis supposed if you could weave this data into large knowledge systems like Wikipedia/Wikidata where the users are you can increase exposure to this new (freely) available and powerful dataset. We will also look at some potential discovery avenues linking this data opens up."



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Date tagged:

11/09/2017, 13:14

Date published:

11/09/2017, 08:14