It takes a village of champions…. – A journey to a better me….

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-11-22


"I am going to take a little bit of a different look at sharing.  I value and appreciate all Open Educational Resources I receive and use in my classrooms.  Without these, I honestly don’t know if I have the creativity to survive as a teacher. OERs are freely accessible, openly licensed documents and media that are useful for teaching, learning, and assessment, as well as for research purposes. I have come to realize that teachers at all levels are becoming more involved in the OER movement because they believe in the value of creativity and benefits to sharing.  Its a natural connection.

I want to talk about sharing, outside of the classroom, and more in regards to sharing within the family, community and school.  As a special education educator, I spend endless hours with students, families and community resources, around the conference table ensuring all the needs of the student are met.  Looking past the academic needs, but really targeting the students’ basic needs."


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11/22/2017, 16:47

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11/22/2017, 11:47