chem-bla-ics: The National Plan Open Science Estafette: my own first Open Science steps

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-12-18


"Earlier this year Delft hosted a meeting for Dutch scholars aimed at hearing and learning about, and to give feedback on the National Plan Open Science (doi:10.2777/061652). I'm very happy I have been able to contribute to this effort, because more and better access to knowledge is very dear to me. During lunch time everyone could demonstrate their own Open Science. From this the idea evolved to have a relay race ("estafette"). In each part of the relay someone will tell about their Open Science story. This post is te start: every next runner tells their story on what role Open Science has in their research. And it does not matter if the focus is on Open Data, Open Access, or Open Source, because the diversity in the Dutch Open Science community is just very high."


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Tags: oa.open_science oa.netherlands oa.anecdotes oa.floss

Date tagged:

12/18/2017, 12:45

Date published:

12/18/2017, 07:45