EUA Big Deals Survey Report

lkfitz's bookmarks 2018-04-13


"The rise of open access to scientific publications and open science breaks new ground, but the transition to full open access is still slow and its impact on university budgets still minor as shown in the annual EUA Open Access Survey. Changes to the publication model (paying for open access publication instead of paying to read an article) are not enough to guarantee an economy of means if the owners of major scientific journals continue to pursue high profit margins and if there are no alternative, competitive publishing platforms."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.publishers oa.europe oa.publishing oa.negotiations oa.budgets oa.economics_of oa.growth oa.reports

Date tagged:

04/13/2018, 10:49

Date published:

04/13/2018, 06:49