Bulletin: A Quarterly Publications from Open Access Bangladesh
lkfitz's bookmarks 2018-08-06
"In a recent study done by Md. Hasinul Elahi and Muhammad Mezbah-ul-Islam indicates the present scenario of Open Access Repositories (OARs) in Bangladesh. The study published as article on IFLA journal volume 44 number 2, June 2018 issue. The data was collected from OpenDOAR (Directory of the Open Access Repositories) database. Number of Open Access Repositories from Bangladesh indexed in OpenDOAR was the scope of the study.
The study shows that in Asia, Japan has the highest number of Open Access Repositories with 217 in number, where India has 79, Turkey 75, Indonesia 69, Taiwan 69, and China 40 respectively. In this scenario the number of Open Access Repositories in Bangladesh is only 12."