Assessment & Scholarly Communications Librarian (Assistant Professor) Job Opening in Memphis, Tennessee - ALA JobLIST | Jobs in Library & Information Science & Technology
lkfitz's bookmarks 2018-08-28
" [ ... ] Scholarly Communications
- Develops and implements strategy, in conjunction with liaison librarians, to populate Institutional Repository (IR) ( and Faculty Activity report system (Digital Measures’ Activity Insight (AI) with data import and self-archiving by UTHSC researchers.
- Implements, customizes, maintains and supports the AI system used by all colleges, departments, divisions and faculty members. Serves as the main contact for campus stakeholders and Digital Measures (the vendor), managing day-to-day tasks of the AI implementation.
- Works with archivist to formulate IR policies ensure cohesive organization of content.
- Coordinates current electronic theses and dissertation processing with Graduate School and students.
- Consults with and advises faculty on publishing agreements and author rights, including the right to deposit materials in the IR.
- Advises researchers on research data archiving and storage, including, but not limited to IR.
- Assigns and reviews IR metadata and related catalog data as needed.
- Advises researchers and other librarians on copyright, fair use, open access, predatory publishing practices, journal impact factor and other measures.
- Consults with grant funded researchers to make sure they are in compliance with public access policies.
- Serve as liaison for campus initiatives such the assignment of identifiers such as ORCIDs and DOIs."