EU pushing ahead in support of open science - Creative Commons

juschuetze's bookmarks 2016-07-01


April saw lots of activity on the open science front in the European Union. On April 19, the European Commission officially announced its plans to create an “Open Science Cloud”. Accompanying this initiative, the Commission stated it will require that scientific data produced by projects under Horizon 2020 (Europe’s €80 billion science funding program) be made openly available by default.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » juschuetze's bookmarks

Tags: oa.europe oa.open_science oa.policies oa.awareness oa.discoverability oa.politics oa.mining oa.horizon2020

Date tagged:

07/01/2016, 13:52

Date published:

07/01/2016, 09:52