EFF Appeals Order Denying Public Access to Patent Filings

Deeplinks 2024-06-04


"It’s bad enough when a patent holder enforcing their rights in court try to exclude the public from those fights. What’s even worse is when courts endorse these secrecy tactics, just as a federal court hearing an EFF unsealing motion ruled in May. 

EFF continues to push for greater transparency in the case, Entropic Communications, LLC v. Charter Communications, Inc.,  and is asking a federal court of appeals to reverse the decision. A successful appeal will open this case to the public, and help everyone better understand patent disputes that are filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas...."



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access patents open


Aaron Mackey

Date tagged:

06/04/2024, 03:01

Date published:

06/03/2024, 05:29