48 Hours Left to Stop CISPA in the House
Deeplinks 2013-04-22
This week, the House of Representatives will vote on CISPA.
The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) is supposed to promote cybersecurity—a goal EFF wholeheartedly supports—but it doesn't address common-sense network security issues. Instead, it creates a new, dangerous exception to existing privacy laws. That’s why hundreds of thousands of concerned Internet users have joined EFF and other civil liberties groups in opposing the bill. This is our last chance to stop it in the House.
Despite recent amendments, CISPA still features vague language that could put your personal information in the hands of military organizations like the National Security Agency.
Can you call your representative and tell him or her to oppose this bill? We'll give you the phone number for your representative and a very brief suggested script. Click here to call Congress now.
Not in the United States? Click here to sign our petition.
We want to generate thousands of calls between now and the vote—likely on Thursday. Please call now and then tell your friends to speak out on this important issue. It’s as easy as posting this on your social networking accounts:
Congress is about to vote on CISPA. If you care about online privacy, you’ve got to speak out now: https://eff.org/r.5bPw
You can also use Twitter tool to tell key members of Congress to stand up for your privacy and vote NO on CISPA.
https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/04/48-hours-left-stop-cispa-houseFrom feeds:
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