Avvo ranks us


Originally posted 2011-09-07 23:59:22. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

From the Avvo Blog:

[W]e threw together this auto-updating list of over 300 legal blogs ordered by their Alexa traffic ranking.

Now you can:

– Know who has the most popular legal blog based on objective, third-party data.

– Understand why blogs rank where they do.

– Track changes every weekday.

OK, I might skip a weekday or two.  But it is an interesting list.  They listed 369 law blogs and acknowledge that some are left out because they resolve to sub-domains, which confuses Alexis.

Oh, sure, LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION® is on the list.  Silly.  Of course.

Oh, you want to know the rank?  Oh, 75th.  Come on, no one cares. I think among IP blogs this one is probably in the top 10 on that list ok?  Right in that sweet spot, no problem.

Hey, there are some very interesting blogs on that list, too.  And… hmm.

You know, I’m always particularly interested in really slick, well-designed law firm blogs with the contact phone number right up top that rank really close to mine… yeah, they have blogrolls… and don’t link to a single law blog you ever heard of.  Almost as if they only link to blogs that are also customers of the consultant that really “does” their blog– let’s say, for example, an outfit such as Justia Legal Marketing Solutions. Or something. Which is entirely their right to do, and hey, look at that Alexis ranking!  Of course it’s our right not to link to such prepackaged presentations, too, no matter what they say, but who cares about the spirit of the Internet and all that — it’s every man for himself!

Interesting.  Hey, great list.  Alexis rankings, cool!