Week in Review: February 17, 2016

Internet Monitor 2016-08-25


France: The Government Might Give Workers the “Right to Disconnect”

French Labor Minister Myriam El Khomri has suggested that the French government might consider giving its citizens the “right to disconnect.” The reforms would potentially let workers ignore emails after leaving the workplace. James McAuley, a journalist with The Sydney Morning Herald remarked, “It would essentially codify a division between work and home, and, on a deeper level, between public and private life.” Labor Minister El Khomri is expected to share her reform proposals sometime in the next few weeks. She is said to have discussed some of her ideas with Bruno Mettling, the Deputy CEO of the multinational telecommunications company, Orange.

Indonesia: Messaging App Removes LGBT-Themed Emoji from Store

In early February, LINE removed its LGBT-themed emojis from its store, after receiving complaints from many of its 30 million Indonesian users. This week, the Indonesian branch of the company posted a full apology on its Facebook page for having included the emojis on their website; at this juncture, the message has not yet been fully translated into English. (LINE was initially designed by 15 members of NHN Japan, a subsidiary of the Korean Internet search platform Naver.) Ismail Cawidu, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Communications, congratulated LINE for speedily removing images that he called “offending” In response, Human Rights Watch released a statement encouraging Indonesian President Joko Widodo to protect LGBT communities in his country: "President Jokowi should urgently condemn anti-LGBT remarks by officials before such rhetoric opens the door to more abuses," said Graeme Reid, LGBT rights director at Human Rights Watch. "The president has long championed pluralism and diversity. This is an opportunity to demonstrate his commitment." A number of newspapers have reported that the Indonesian government has plans to ask Facebook and Whatsapp to follow LINK’s example in removing LGBT-themed emojis from their respective platforms. A considerable amount of reporting on the matter has not yet been translated into English.

Turkey: After Ankara Attack, Social Media Platforms Remain in Limbo

A number of netizens asked Facebook to activate its safety check following news that a bomb had gone off in Ankara, Turkey’s capital. However, TurkeyBlocks (https://turkeyblocks.org), an Internet monitoring service, reported that Turkish ISPs including TTNet have blocked Twitter and Facebook by implementing bandwidth throttling. Still, a number of Turkish politicians have taken to Twitter to remark and reflect upon the nature of the attack. Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said on Twitter the attack was an act of terrorism; his tweets, all in Turkish, are available in full here.

Twitter: The Company Vows to Make GIF Searches Possible, Soon

Motherboard reported on Wednesday, February 17, that Twitter had started to make it possible for users to search for animated GIFs on th



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Date tagged:

08/25/2016, 15:44

Date published:

02/17/2016, 21:25