#IMWeekly: September 9, 2013

Internet Monitor 2016-08-25


United States More news about PRISM broke last week: according to documents leaked by Edward Snowden, the NSA has either circumvented or broken most commonly used encryption systems. This affects both financial and medical data as well as the contents of emails, chats, and other online communications. The Guardian reports that Hotmail, Yahoo, Google, and Facebook, among other service providers, may be affected.

United States Following close on Facebook's heels, Yahoo! released its first-ever transparency report last week. The report covers government data requests from 17 countries, and discloses the total number of requests, the number of user accounts specified in those requests, and the number of requests for which Yahoo! disclosed both content and non-content data, among other statistics.

Vietnam Earlier this summer, Vietnam's prime minister approved "Decree 72," which prohibits blogs and social media sites from "‘quote[ing]’, ‘gather[ing]’ or summariz[ing] information from press organizations or government websites." The decree, which effectively outlaws political discussion online, took effect on September 1.

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Date tagged:

08/25/2016, 15:44

Date published:

09/09/2013, 11:33