Automating Slanderous Search
Internet Monitor 2016-08-25
Modern editions of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein often drop Shelly's 1818 full title for the celebrated novel, which reads, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. The Prometheus legend has several variations, but Shelly's story draws more upon Aesop's version of the story, in which Prometheus makes man from clay and water. Prometheus' creation, which violated the process for how life is naturally made, rebels against him, and Zeus punishes Prometheus for the unintended consequences of his act.
Last week, The Atlantic reported that Google and Bing seem to be autocompleting different stories about Microsoft’s upcoming game console the Xbox One. On Google, a search for “the Xbox One is” returns autocomplete suggestions for “terrible,” “ugly,” and “a joke.” The same search on Bing, Microsoft’s flagship search engine, returns a single autocomplete suggestion: “amazing.” Commentators on the Atlantic article pointed out that dropping the term “the” from the searches would yield different results and should put to rest any conspiratorial thinking that Google is smearing Microsoft’s product using its autocomplete. A search for “xbox one is” on Google is still pretty negative, suggesting “xbox one issues,” “xbox one is bad” and “xbox one is garbage.” However, Bing’s suggestions are even more scathing. When dropping “the,” Bing seems to agree with Google suggesting “xbox one issues” and “xbox one is bad.” However, it also suggests that Xbox One is “terrible,” “going to fail,” “ugly,” “watching you,” “crap,” and “doomed.”
Xbox One isn’t the only product to have an interesting mix of autocomplete suggestions. Autocomplete on Google suggests “google glass is stupid” and “google glass is creepy.” Bing suggests these too, but also suggests that google glass is: “ridiculous," "[a] terrible idea," "military tech," "scary," and "useless.”
Searching for other tech companies returns interesting results, too. Google suggests that “apple is”: “dying," "evil," "dead," and "doomed,” while Bing suggests the company is: “evil," "losing its cool," "losing," "a cult," "dead," and "going downhill." (On the flip side, Bing’s autocomplete also suggests that Apple is a “good company to work for" and "better than android.”) Meanwhile, Bing’s autocomplete doesn't seem to be advertising Windows 8 very well, suggesting that "windows 8 is:" “terrible," "horrible," "awful," "slow," "awesome," "a disaster," "great," and "crap." These are only a few of the latest examples, but FAIL Blog has a great collection of similar autocomplete fails collected by search engine users.
Before Wulff, Google’s main defense had been, as explained by the company’s Northern Europe spokesperson Kay Oberbeck, that the predictions come from “algorithmically generated result of objective factors, including the popularity of the entered search terms.” Google argued it was not responsible for simply displaying the mass input of users, but even if German courts had agreed, the marketing departments have some serious work
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