Week in Review: February 28, 2017

Internet Monitor 2017-03-12


Akamai Releases State of the Internet Report On February 14, Akamai Technologies, Inc. released its Fourth Quarter, 2016 State of the Internet / Security Report. The report uses data gathered from the Akamai Intelligent Platform, which houses more than 2 trillion Internet interactions and defends against cyber attacks, to provide information regarding online connectivity, cybersecurity trends, and metrics. The number of DDoS attacks greater than 100 Gbps increased by 140% since last year and although the total number of DDoS attacks decreased by 16%, the number of IP addresses involved in DDoS attacks rose substantially this quarter. "As we saw with the Mirai botnet attacks during the third quarter, unsecured Internet of Things (IoT) devices continued to drive significant DDoS attack traffic," said Martin McKeay, senior security advocate and senior editor of the report. Of the 25 DDoS attack vectors tracked, the top three were UDP fragment (27%), DNS (21%), and NTP (15%). Finally, the United States remained the top target for web application attacks, with a 72% increase since last quarter’s report.

Alphabet’s Project Loon Uses Machine Learning On February 16, Alphabet Director of Google X Astro Teller announced that: “We can now run an experiment and try to give service in a particular place in the world with 10 or 20 or 30 balloons, not with 200 or 300 or 400 balloons.” Teller was referring to the new machine learning improvements to Project Loon, a proposal to provide Internet access to underserved areas of the world. Originally, the balloons would move around and other balloons would be launched to replace them. But recently, the X lab equipped balloons with navigational systems that employed machine learning to detect patterns in the atmosphere and adjust course to stay in the same general area. Using Gaussian Processes, or GPs, the balloons can predict atmospheric conditions and generate a path with only small amounts of data. Furthermore, the balloons can self-correct during their flight paths using reinforcement learning, another artificial intelligence technique. With fewer balloons required, Project Loon has become more economically feasible and capable of bringing more people online.

AT&T and China Mobile Work Together on Internet of Things AT&T and China Mobile have agreed to collaborate to bring the Internet of Things to China. AT&T has over 1.3 billion customers on its 4G network, making it the largest 4G network in the world. According to Bernstein Research, 59% of all mobile subscribers in China are using 4G networks run by China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Unicom. The two telecom giants will be developing a new platform that will be able to transfer an AT&T IoT subscription over to China Mobile’s local service. By simplifying the service requirements, AT&T business customers will be able to more efficiently expand their businesses into the Chinese market, developing new revenue streams. Accenture estimates that measures to improve Chinese adoption of IoT technologies will translate to a 1.3% increase in the country’s GDP by 2030, adding up to $1.8 trillion to the Chinese economy.

FCC Chairman Continues to Reverse Predecessor’s Regulations On February 24,



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Date tagged:

03/12/2017, 09:27

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02/28/2017, 11:07