Access to Justice Lab Launches at HLS
Blog – Cyberlaw Clinic 2016-09-17
We are excited to report that the Access to Justice Lab has gone live at Harvard Law School. HLS Professor Jim Greiner, who serves as Faculty Director of the Lab, is a pioneer in the use of rigorous research methodologies to evaluate of outcomes for those with legal needs. The Lab will carry on that work — developing evidence-based approaches to help courts and legal services providers understand what works in improving access to justice.
Some more details from the A2J Lab team:
The A2J Lab is an Arnold-Foundation-funded initiative within the Harvard Law School Center on the Legal Profession. Our mission is to produce rigorous evidence in the fields of access to justice (civil or criminal) and adjudicatory administration, and to combat the resistance within the U.S. Bench and Bar to rigorous empirical thinking.
Who are we? We are two full-time researchers, a project manager, a research associate, a faculty director, a rich variety of affiliates, and, most importantly, you. We hope that anyone interested in access to justice or in evidence-based thinking in the law will participate in our efforts by offering ideas, providing guidance on questions or issues that are stumping us, participating in research projects, linking us with likely partners, or telling us things we ought to know.
Join the conversation! Follow us on twitter and facebook, subscribe to our blog and send us your ideas.
Congratulations to the Lab on its launch; we look forward to learning from them in the years to come.