Black Lives Matter

Blog – Cyberlaw Clinic 2020-06-02

Each day, the news brings to light more examples of profound injustice suffered by Black people in the United States and confirms that our nation has never adequately confronted, let alone addressed, systemic racism. Moreover, those few high-profile stories that attract scrutiny only begin to hint at the lived experience of racially marginalized communities in the U.S. 

As practitioners and advocates in the field of tech law, we recognize that technology itself too often promotes oppression and reinforces inequity.  The Clinic team takes this opportunity to recommit ourselves to ensuring that our teaching and practice activities reflect our own individual commitments to anti-racism and racial justice as well as the Clinic’s core values.

We condemn state-sponsored violence that aims to suppress speech. We reject calls to curtail rights of lawful protest and assembly. We oppose attacks on free press that are so essential at this time.  We stand—always—in solidarity with our Black colleagues, collaborators, clients, students, and friends.