Directions for research data management in UK universities | Jisc
oconnorv's bookmarks 2016-10-19
"Research data management (RDM) has moved up a gear over the past few years. Within HEIs, libraries, research offices and IT services are taking responsibility for RDM services to their research communities. The external environment - including changes concerning compliance, funding and service infrastructure - is impacting upon service management. Our objective is to bring together key partners and expertise from across the sector in order to encourage understanding of where we are in the UK with RDM, and to define priorities for moving forward. We will achieve this through a series of presentations and discussion, assessing what needs to be accomplished in in key areas in order to implement a successful RDM 'infrastructure' in UK universities. We hope that participants will help us highlight challenges that need to be addressed by key university stakeholders. Information gathered will contribute to a shared action plan."
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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarksOpen Access Tracking Project (OATP) » John O'Connor's Bookmarks