Teaching an Old University Press Publisher New Tricks: Living in the Present and Preparing for the Future of Scholarly Communications
oconnorv's bookmarks 2016-10-19
"This article looks at practical issues in scholarly publishing pertaining to training, educating, and preparing scholarly publishing professionals for today’s technology-driven world. To provide a context for my views, I’ll begin by describing the nature of publishing at The Pennsylvania State University Press. Next, I’ll explore what contemporary publishing means within the setting of a university press. Then, using the following questions as a guide, I’ll map what skills might look like, now and in the future. One, what skills and expertise are publishers looking for in “contemporary book and journal publishing”? Two, where/how does one acquire those skills? Three, as publishing evolves, how will the skill sets for publishers change? And, four, where are publishers looking now for help in that future?"
http://quod.lib.umich.edu/j/jep/3336451.0017.202/--teaching-an-old-university-press-publisher-new-tricks-living?rgn=main;view=fulltextFrom feeds:
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