The revolution at the gates? Maneuvers going on scientific publishing and open access | Roars
lterrat's bookmarks 2016-01-09
[From Google's English] "About 15 years after the open access movement the results are not what you expected. As for the model gold open access (public who pays for all to read), at the moment the costs are difficult to sustain if you stand next to those for subscriptions. E 'can then think about a transition of the entire system of scientific publications from the subscription model to open access without additional costs, transforming what you now pay to read (the cost of subscriptions) in payment of Article processing charges (APCs) to publish Open Access? The authors of the White Paper of the Max Planck Gesellschaft Disrupting the subscription journals' business model for the large-scale transformation Necessary to Open Access think so long as this transition is managed in a collaborative manner and globally. The proposal no doubt revolutionary, however, poses a number of questions with which it is important that the scientific communities are compared. We summarize here the significant points of the document referring to the text for a thorough read ..."