World's main list of science 'predators' vanishes with no warning | Canada | New

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-01-18


"Jeffrey Beall discovered thousands of online science journals that were either willing to publish fake research for cash, or just so inept that they couldn’t tell the good from the bad and published it all.

Beall, who became an assistant professor, drew up a list of the known and suspected bad apples, known simply as Beall’s List. Since 2012, this list has been world’s main source of information on journals that publish conspiracy theories and incompetent research, making them appear real. But on Sunday, his website went blank. Only the headline, Scholarly Open Access, remains. Beall is a regular on Twitter, but he hasn’t posted anything there in days. He isn’t answering email (including a message from the Citizen) or telling anyone what happened. Beall’s List had just been updated for 2017. A Texas firm called Cabell’s, which also works with academic publishers, hinted that Beall was threatened somehow."


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Date tagged:

01/18/2017, 17:19

Date published:

01/18/2017, 12:19