Impact of Social Sciences – Five minutes with John Holmwood and Martin Eve – discussing the future of academic publishing

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-01-24


"Today marks the beginning of Academic Book Week (#AcBookWeek), “the week-long celebration of the diversity, innovation and influence of academic books throughout history”. First established in 2015, #AcBookWeek returns for its second year and will run until 28 January. As part of a varied programme of events, later today John Holmwood and Martin Eve will speak about the future of academic publishing. Ahead of that event, we were able to hear their thoughts on how academic publishing is changing, open access, what ‘impact’ means to them, and what advice they might offer to early career researchers."


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01/24/2017, 12:37

Date published:

01/24/2017, 07:37