L'Université Paris Nanterre s'engage en faveur de l'Open Access !

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-02-16


"On Thursday 8 December, the official opening of the new HAL portal of the University of Paris Nanterre took place.

On this occasion, a study day was devoted to open access and new forms of scientific publication. This day addressed topics such as the new law for a digital Republic and its consequences on copyright , the two ways of open access (golden track and self-archiving), the implementation of a policy Institutional support for open access in Liège or original experiments in innovative scientific publication. It was punctuated by moments of exchange on the practices of the researchers of Nanterre and an enlargement towards the sharing of the data of the research .

Jean-François Balaudé, President of the University Paris Nanterre , officially inaugurated the HAL portal of the University at the end of the day by depositing itself a publication."



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Date tagged:

02/16/2017, 18:18

Date published:

02/16/2017, 13:18