COL speaks on OER for equity at Hewlett annual meeting | COL

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-05-06


"The Commonwealth of Learning’s Vice President, Dr K Balasubramanian, and Adviser: Open Educational Resources, Dr Ishan Abeywardena, spoke on the role of open educational resources (OER) for equity at The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation’s Annual OER Meeting, held in Toronto, Canada from 25-28 April 2017.

'OER should be seen as a process rather than a mere product. It is an empowerment process, driven by technology, in which various types of stakeholders are able to interact, collaborate, create and use materials and processes that are freely available for enhancing access, reducing cost and improving the quality of education at all levels,' said Dr Balasubramanian."


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05/06/2017, 19:44

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05/06/2017, 15:44