Mehr (offene) Fakten für alle: Neue Open-Access-Zeitschrift „Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design“ erschienen – Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-05-23


From Google Translate: "The 'Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design' (jMID) endeavors to publish original contributions to the design, analysis and review of economic, political or social mechanisms and institutions. The clue about the articles from many disciplines is (almost) always the play theory, which is understood by the editors as the overriding method for social science. According to the team, they would be able to design and / or compare social incentive structures. Examples in the recent past - which are also dealt with in the first issue of the journal - range from overcoming bottlenecks in orga- nal transplants, through platforms for emissions trading, to class allocation, and auction theory. The editorial team assumes that the published articles are of interest to a broad public from the disciplines of economics, finance, politics, law, computer science, management, history, mathematics, public administration and related disciplines. The first issue was recently published and is available online at"


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Date tagged:

05/23/2017, 22:11

Date published:

05/23/2017, 18:11